Expense Reduction Overview

Business Intelligence (credit information, general market, driver history and insurance data) is critical to effectively manage a company’s daily operations. These resources represent a steep expenditure for most organizations. With our knowledge of industry best practices, we scrutinize all data to discern whether the right agreement is in fact being utilized.

For nearly 30 years, Kreller Consulting has implemented highly successful cost-savings strategies for businesses worldwide. Our analysis and recommendations can significantly reduce expenses on current data contracts and service providers.

The Kreller Difference

Maximize Current Vendor Contracts and Reduce Expenses

Our main objective is to help clients maximize their current vendor contracts and reduce expenses

Customized Savings Solutions

Savings solutions are customized specifically for each client.

Completely Objective Recommendations

Recommendations are completely objective.

Completely Objective Recommendations

There is zero risk & zero obligation.

Uncompromised Vendor Relationships

Current vendor relationships will not be compromised.

Complete Confidentiality

Complete confidentiality with client vendor information is maintained.


Our pricing structure is unique.

What Our Clients Say...